Log into eFiling

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Please enter your username and password below to log in to your eFiling account. If you have trouble logging in DO NOT create a new account. Contact our support team by email at RA-PUCHelpDesk@pa.gov or by calling 717-787-8227. If you do not have an account, you may create an account at any time.

If you are enrolled in the Commissions electronic filing system you can choose to have your account revoked at any time without penalty or detriment to an ongoing proceeding. In order to revoke your account, however, you must file a notice to do so with the Commission. The notice must include the information set forth at Chapter 52 Pa Code 1.32(b)(6)(i). You must also notify, following proper service requirements, all other parties involved in any active proceeding you currently have before the Commission in order for the revocation to take effect.

From the effective date of successful revocation of your electronic filing system account, your ability to file and serve documents electronically will cease and you must serve all documents regarding your proceeding in paper form in accordance with Commission service rules and regulations (Chapter 52 Pa Code sections 1.54, 1.55, 1.56, 1.57, 1.58 and 1.59). You will also receive service of all documents in thesame manner.

Revoking your electronic filing system account is not the only manner in which an account can be disabled. If the Commission finds that an individual, through their account, has been abusing* the electronic filing privileges, it can cancel that account and revoke the individuals ability to use the system after giving proper notice to the account user. If the individual is a party to an active proceeding at the time of revocation and has consented to receive electronic service, the individual must serve the other parties to the proceeding with a notice of revocation.

* Abuse of the Commissions electronic filing privileges includes knowingly allowing another person, not the owner of the account or an authorized agent of the owner, to use the user ID and password, as well as knowingly engaging in actions that interfere with the security of the electronic filing system, i.e., introducing viruses or destructive programming into the system.